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  • CMISA posted an article
    The design will consider the combination of zero-emission fuels with battery technologies see more

    HALIFAX—In a significant step towards sustainable marine research and zero-emission ship design, Oceans North, in partnership with Miawpukek Horizon Maritime Services, Allswater, and MEOPAR, recently announced that it has received project funding from the Government of Canada to design a state-of-the-art, multi-use, zero-emission ocean research vessel.

    This project will provide the conceptual design for a new Canadian ocean research vessel and assess the feasibility of zero-emission propulsion technologies, setting a new standard for deep ocean and remote area research in Canadian waters.

    The design will consider the combination of zero-emission fuels with battery technologies that will allow the vessel to operate in “ultra-silent” mode, significantly reducing underwater noise when entering sensitive ocean ecosystems. In addition, the project will develop and utilize new versatile, modular research infrastructure that will allow the vessel to support a wide range of oceanographic and commercial activities, ensuring Canada can operate at the forefront of Arctic and marine research for the next 50 years.

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  • CMISA posted an article
    Submission deadline of April 18th, 2024 see more

    Colliers Project Leaders on behalf of Halifax Regional Municipality would like to make members of the Canadian Marine Industries and Shipbuilding Association aware of opportunity #2024-0200 "Request for information for Supply of 5 High Speed electric Ferries for the Mill Cove Ferry Service" which was issued on March 27th, 2024. This Request for information has a submission deadline of April 18th, 2024 at 2pm Atlantic Time Zone.

    This opportunity is available at  Bids and Tenders-Halifax on HRM's procurement portal.

    Please keep an eye out on  Bids and Tenders-Halifax for the future procurement documents.

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     April 12, 2024
  • CMISA posted an article
    Promote co-operation between NATO's military members and the technology sector see more

    Defence Minister Anita Anand announced Friday a proposal to establish an innovation hub in Halifax for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

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     November 18, 2022
  • CMISA posted an article
    A leak in information about boat is better than a leak in the boat see more

    When it comes to nautical life, a leak in information about boat is better than a leak in the boat.

    Halifax Fire expects that its new fireboat will arrive in Halifax Harbour in the next couple of weeks. And while its not really a leak, a photo did start circulating online Monday of the new vessel, which is named Kjipuktuk, the Mi’kmaq word for the land and harbour area of what would later become known as Halifax.

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