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Fisheries and Oceans

  • CMISA posted an article
    ensure the Canadian Coast Guard has the necessary training capacity, seagoing personnel,.. see more

    Sydney, NS – Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, was at the Canadian Coast Guard College in Sydney, Nova Scotia, on May 30 to highlight funding from Budget 2024 allocated to the Canadian Coast Guard.

    The College equips personnel with the skills they need to serve Canadians on all coasts.  This investment, totaling $397 million over five years, will ensure the Canadian Coast Guard has the necessary training capacity, seagoing personnel, support staff and provisions to operate new vessels to be delivered for the fleet of the future.

    Under the National Shipbuilding Strategy, the Government of Canada has made significant investments in the renewal of the Canadian Coast Guard fleet, bringing a modern, versatile approach to program delivery.

    The new funding announced in Budget 2024 is to operate the future Canadian Coast Guard vessels. It includes recruitment and training of seagoing personnel to crew the new ships, and funding to build robust capacity to support vessel operations.

    Budget 2024 also provided $130 million over six years to Fisheries and Oceans Canada, with $20 million ongoing to address marine fuel cost pressures. This funding will help to address the unpredictability and volatility of marine fuel costs.

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    Facility for Intelligent Marine Systems opened Monday in Dartmouth see more

    A new $25-million marine research centre opened Monday in Dartmouth, N.S., to co-ordinate the sophisticated underwater platforms used by Canada to gather ocean data.

    The Facility for Intelligent Marine Systems brings together researchers from Fisheries and Oceans, Natural Resources Canada and Defence Research and Development Canada into one place.

    "These researchers will be leading the way in testing new systems to observe Canada's marine environment," Dartmouth MP Darren Fisher said at the facility's official opening.

    "They will have an unprecedented opportunity to collaborate, to share ideas, tools, infrastructure in a meaningful way that is sure to benefit everyone involved."

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    The contract for this project, worth $6.5 million over two years, was awarded in July 2023 see more

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada has announced that the Canadian Hydrographic Service has awarded a contract to Sedna ROV Services, a marine and underwater services company based in Iqaluit, Nunavut, to conduct hydrographic survey missions in the Arctic.

    The contract for this project, worth $6.5 million over two years, was awarded in July 2023. The first survey mission was completed in late October 2023. This initiative is funded through the second phase of the Oceans Protection Plan that was announced in August 2022.

    Operating from aboard the icebreaker M/V Polar Prince (owned by Miawpukek Horizon Maritime Services), Canadian Hydrographic Service survey equipment and hydrographers successfully surveyed over 9,000 linear kilometres of Arctic Ocean last year. These hydrographic surveys will play a crucial role in advancing our knowledge of the Arctic seabed. The data collected will contribute to the safety and efficiency of navigation, support environmental protection efforts, and facilitate sustainable economic development in the region.

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     March 14, 2024
  • CMISA posted an article
    will provide 61 small vessels such as small craft, barges, work boats and modern equipment see more

    The federal government says new money to build dozens of small vessels for the Canadian Coast Guard is part of a renewal of the agency and will help keep Canada's waterways navigable and safe.

    On Thursday, in joint announcements in Vancouver and St. John's, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Ministry of Public Services and Procurement said the federal government would spend $2.5 billion to have companies in Canada build 61 small vessels for the coast guard.

    The ministries said the new small vessels, which include small craft, barges and work boats, will allow the coast guard to better operate in shallow coastal waters and inland lakes and rivers where larger ships cannot go.

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    Marine spatial planning brings together all levels of government, Indigenous partners & stakeholders see more

     Joyce Murray, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, has launched the new Canada Marine Planning Atlas (the Atlas). The Atlas is an interactive mapping tool that allows users to view and interact with data relevant to marine spatial planning. It includes data on economic, ecological and sociocultural activities that sometimes overlap in Canada’s marine spaces.

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     February 01, 2023
  • CMISA posted an article
    Report of the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans see more

    Recently released Report of the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans conclusions and recommendations re Marine Cargo Container Spills.

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     October 24, 2022