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  • CMISA posted an article
    DARPA Training Opportunity see more

    DARPA reminds you to check out “Working with DARPA: Global Participation and Engagements” – an online training module for global participants interesting in learning about how to work with DARPA. This module is available on DARPAConnect – an online platform that aims to broaden DARPA’s reach and stimulate growth and collaboration with small businesses and education institutions new to the national security space.

    DARPA relies on global partnerships with fellow members of the international science and technology ecosystem to achieve its mission. In this module, you will learn more about opportunities for global participants to work with DARPA, helpful hints and tips for members of the international community, and success stories from previous DARPA programs with contributions from organizations outside of the United States.

    Not a member of DARPAConnect? Visit the DARPAConnect Registration page to sign up for a free account and gain access to the full suite of DARPAConnect lessons, resources, and more.


    If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact the DARPA International Cooperation Office at           

     August 26, 2024
  • CMISA posted an article
    Working with DARPA Global Participation and Engagements see more

    Program Solicitation: Automated Prediction Aided by Quantized Simulators (APAQuS)

    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)

    Full Proposal Due Date: 25 July 2024 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is issuing a Disruption Opportunity (DO), inviting submissions of innovative basic or applied research concepts in the technical domain of ML-assisted predictive modeling of highly nonlinear and strongly-coupled turbulent fluid dynamics. This DO is issued under the Program Announcement for Disruptioneering, DARPA-PA-23-03. All awards will be made in the form of an Other Transaction (OT) for Prototype project.



    Program Solicitation: Defense Applications of Innovative Remote Sensing (DAIRS)

    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)

    Full Proposal Due Date: 10 July 2024 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is issuing a Disruption Opportunity (DO), inviting submissions of innovative basic or applied research concepts in the technical domain of remote sensing with a focus on the application to surface-wave over-the-horizon radar (SWOTHR) and environmental characterization. This DO is issued under the Program Announcement (PA) for Disruptioneering, DARPA-PA-23-03. All awards will be made in the form of an Other Transaction (OT) for Prototype project.



    Request for Information: Wing Over Wave Test

    Office: Tactical Technology Office (TTO)

    Response Due Date: 7 July 2024 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: DARPA seeks to evaluate a large scale aerodynamic model of a canonical wing planform in ground effect over waves. A generic wing planform, section, and aspect ratio were chosen to generate representative force (lift, drag) and moment measurements to enable comparison to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) results and tuning of CFD models for Liberty Lifter and future wing-in-ground effect vehicle designs. The test article is a rectangular wing planform with 12-foot span, 3-foot chord, aspect ratio 4, with a constant NACA 4415 airfoil section and no high-lift devices, propulsion, or moving/adjustable control surfaces. Two vertically-oriented support struts in the upper wing are incorporated into the model to enable mounting and orientation in the test facility. The test article incorporates a 64-port pressure tap array, a five-port pressure probe to be mounted ahead of the model in the freestream, and a six-degree-of-freedom Kistler force gauge to be attached to the mount assembly to enable aerodynamic force and moment measurements.


  • CMISA posted an article
    Submit your application by September 18, 2024 see more

    New challenges launched by the Canadian Safety and Security Program

    The Canadian Safety and Security Program has launched eight new challenges to improve safety and security capabilities through science and technology. Funding will be available for innovative solutions to the following eight challenges:

    • Wildfire firefighting ‘’Common operating picture’’;
    • Community resilience research;
    • Biometrics for defence and security;
    • Border security and domain awareness;
    • Position, navigation, and timing;
    • Detection of threat materials;
    • Preparation for neglected, emerging, and re-emerging diseases; and,
    • Risk reduction for small modular reactors (SMRs) and radiological-nuclear (RN) materials.

    Submit your application by September 18, 2024, 14:00 EDT.

    Apply now!

    The IDEaS team

  • CMISA posted an article
    Learning about how to work with DARPA see more

    DARPA is excited to announce the launch of “Working with DARPA: Global Participation and Engagements” – an online training module for global participants interesting in learning about how to work with DARPA. This module is available on DARPAConnect – an online platform that aims to broaden DARPA’s reach and stimulate growth and collaboration with small businesses and education institutions new to the national security space.

    DARPA relies on global partnerships with fellow members of the international science and technology ecosystem to achieve its mission. In this module, you will learn more about opportunities for global participants to work with DARPA, helpful hints and tips for members of the international community, and success stories from previous DARPA programs with contributions from organizations outside of the United States.

    Not a member of DARPAConnect? Visit the DARPAConnect Registration page to sign up for a free account and gain access to the full suite of DARPAConnect lessons, resources, and more. 

     April 22, 2024
  • CMISA posted an article
    Opportunities for circulation see more

    Broad Agency Announcement: Structures Uniquely Resolved to Guarantee Endurance (SURGE)

    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)

    Abstract Due Date: 9 May 2024 by 1600 (ET)

    FAQ Due Date: 13 June 2024 by 1600 (ET)

    Full Proposal Due Date: 1 July 2024 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting innovative proposals to rethink and accelerate distributed additive manufacturing of critical structural parts. Structures Uniquely Resolved to Guarantee Endurance (SURGE) will develop methods to predict part life directly from data collected during additive manufacturing (AM) in a way that is transferable across disparate machines, materials, locations, and geometries. Research will merge in-situ sensing technologies, process modeling, and microstructure-based fatigue life methods to quantify the useful life of manufactured hardware. Predictions will be backed by extensive experimental validation demonstrating a new paradigm for efficient part qualification. Proposed research must investigate innovative approaches that enable revolutionary advances in distributed AM capability. Specifically excluded is research that primarily results in evolutionary improvements to the existing state of practice.


    Special Notice: Compact Front-end Filters at the ElEment level (COFFEE) Technical Area 2 (TA2) Proposers Day  

    Office: Microsystems Technology Office (MTO)

    Event Date: 8 May 2024 at 0800 (ET)

    Registration Deadline: 1 May 2024 by 2359 (ET)

    Registration Link: :

    Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) will host a hybrid Proposers Day in support of Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) HR001124S0027, COmpact Front-end Filters at the ElEmentlevel (COFFEE) Technical Area 2 (TA2) program on May 8, 2024, at Booz Allen Hamilton, 1550 Crystal Dr, Arlington, VA 22202, Conference Center Room 3003AB and via webcast from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET. DARPA anticipates releasing the COFFEE TA2 BAA HR001124S0027 prior to Proposers Day. If released, the BAA will be made available at

    All U.S. Permanent Residents and Foreign Nationals not representing a foreign government must submit a DARPA Form 60 “U.S. Permanent Resident and Foreign National Visit Request”, which can be submitted via the following link:

    Foreign government personnel who are representing a foreign government in an official capacity must submit an official Foreign Visit Request (FVR) via their respective Embassy based in Washington, DC.


     April 18, 2024
  • CMISA posted an article
    DARPA Opportunities for Circulation see more

    New DARPA opportunities for circulation with your national/defense S&T labs, academia, and industry.

    Special Notice: Discovering Unknome Function (DUF) Workshop

    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)

    Event Date: 12 December 2023 from 0900 – 1700 (ET)

    Registration Deadline: 11 December 2023 by 1200 (ET)

    Registration Link:

    Description: The DARPA Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is sponsoring a hybrid workshop to provide information and promote technical exchange with potential proposers on the objectives of a pending Advanced Research Concept (ARC) Opportunity – Discovering Unknome Function (DUF). The workshop will include an overview of DSO and the pending ARC initiative and a DUF-specific presentation. Registrants will have the opportunity to hear from Government personnel, university professors, industry leaders, and participate in question-and-answer sessions.

    The in-person portion of the hybrid workshop will be hosted at Convene (201 Washington St., Boston, MA 02108).  All Foreign Nationals must submit a DARPA Form 60 “Foreign National Visit Request” ( ), except foreign government personnel who must submit only an Official Visit Request completed by their respective Embassy based in Washington, DC. Contact your Embassy staff for assistance in submitting the Official Visit Request. All forms must be submitted no later than 1700 (ET) on 7 December 2023.



    Special Notice: Enhanced SBOM for Optimized Software Sustainment (E-BOSS) Proposers Day

    Office: Information Innovation Office (I2O)

    Event Date: 13 December 2023 from 1000 – 1600 (ET)

    Registration Deadline: 8 December 2023 by 1700

    Registration Link:  

    Description: The DARPA Information Innovation Office (I2O) is sponsoring a Proposers Day, to provide information to potential proposers on the objectives of the anticipated Enhanced SBOM for Optimized Software Sustainment (E-BOSS) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) on December 13, 2023 at the Executive Conference Center (ECC) (4075 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22203) from 1000 to 1600. The purpose of the Proposers Day is to outline the E-BOSS technical goals and challenges, and to promote an understanding of the BAA proposal requirements. In addition, the Proposers Day will familiarize participants with DARPA’s interest in the areas of compilers, linkers, loaders, runtime design, build and runtime tool chains, reachability analysis, vulnerability triage and remediation, and software sustainment.

    All Foreign Nationals must submit a DARPA Form 60 “Foreign National Visit Request” ( ), except foreign government personnel who must submit only an Official Visit Request completed by their respective Embassy based in Washington, DC. Contact your Embassy staff for assistance in submitting the Official Visit Request. All forms must be submitted no later than 1700 (ET) on 8 December 2023.



    If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact the DARPA International Cooperation Office at           

    If you would like us to include Embassy offices managing education, research, and scientific cooperation (in addition to defense) and/or direct contacts with academia and industry on this distribution, please let us know.

    Warm Regards,

    DARPA International Cooperation

     December 04, 2023
  • CMISA posted an article
    Darpa Opportunities to circulate see more

    Please find the below (and attached) new DARPA opportunities for circulation with your national/defense S&T labs, academia, and industry.

    Special Notice: Space-domain Wide Area Tracking and Characterization (Space-WATCH) Industry Day Technical Area 2 (TA2): Real-Time Automated Data Fusion & Exploitation

    Office: Strategic Technology Office (STO)

    Event Date: 18 January 2024

    Event Location: Arlington, VA

    Registration Deadline: 15 January 2024 by 1700 (ET)

    Registration Link:

    Description: The goal of the Space-WATCH program is to provide real-time persistent tracking of all objects in Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) so that when an anomalous action occurs, operators can be notified in a timely fashion, allowing them to plan and execute appropriate actions.  DARPA is hosting this Proposers Day to (1) provide potential proposers with information on whether and how they might respond to the Government's research and development solicitations and (2) increase efficiency in proposal preparations and evaluation.

    All Foreign Nationals must submit a DARPA Form 60 “Foreign National Visit Request” (instructions will be provided in the registration confirmation email), except foreign government personnel who must submit only an Official Visit Request completed by their respective Embassy based in Washington, DC. Contact your Embassy staff for assistance in submitting the Official Visit Request. All forms must be submitted no later than 1200 (ET) on 11 January 2024.



    Program Solicitation: Exploratory Models of Human-AI Teams (EMHAT)

    Office: Information Innovation Office (I2O)  

    Proposal Submission Deadline: 2 February by 1600 (ET)

    Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is issuing an Artificial Intelligence Exploration (AIE) Opportunity, inviting submissions of innovative research concepts in the technical domain of modeling and simulation of human-AI teaming. The goal of the Exploratory Models of Human-AI Teams (EMHAT) program is to develop technologies for generating and evaluating diverse and realistic digital twins representing human-AI teams in order to understand and characterize the emergent capabilities and limitations of such teams in proxy operational settings.

    Proposals must address two independent and sequential project phases (a Phase 1 Feasibility Study (base) and a Phase 2 Proof of Concept (option)), and must be unclassified. EMHAT technology will utilize expert feedback, AI-assembled knowledge bases, and generative AI to produce a wide variety of computational agents representing a diverse set of human teammate simulacra, analogous to digital twins. Proposals should include metrics describing the fidelity of the diverse human teammate simulacra to true human characteristics and how this fidelity contributes to realistic simulation of human-AI teaming




    Program Solicitation: Levitated and Trapped Accurate microSystems (LeviTAS)

    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)  

    Proposal Submission Deadline: 15 February by 1600 (ET)

    Description: The DARPA DSO is issuing a Disruption Opportunity (DO), inviting submissions of innovative basic or applied research concepts in the technical domain of novel micro-mechanical oscillators for applications towards precision positioning and navigation systems. The LeviTAS DO aims to demonstrate an anchor-less microsystem that simultaneously achieves heavy mass and high sensing bandwidth in a compact form factor.

    Proposals submitted in response to this DO must be unclassified and must address two independent and sequential project phases: a Phase 1 Feasibility Study (base) and a Phase 2 Proof of Concept (option). While the LeviTAS DO focuses on levitating a large mass, with large bandwidth confinement along the Z-axis, the goal is to support the development of a small-scale navigation sensor. Therefore, decisions regarding which performers will continue to Phase 2 will be based on the results of Phase 1 and the likelihood of scalability and versatility of the proposed architecture towards confinement along all 3 axes.




    If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact the DARPA International Cooperation Office at           

    If you would like us to include Embassy offices managing education, research, and scientific cooperation (in addition to defense) and/or direct contacts with academia and industry on this distribution, please let us know.

    Warm Regards,

    DARPA International Cooperation

     January 08, 2024
  • CMISA posted an article
    Darpa Opportunities for circulation see more

    Please find the below (and attached) new DARPA opportunities for circulation with your national/defense S&T labs, academia, and industry.

    Program Solicitation: Fuel Access Anywhere, Regardless of Means (FAARM)

    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)  

    Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 April 2024 at 1600 (ET)

    Description: DARPA DSO is issuing an Advanced Research Concepts (ARC) Opportunity, inviting submissions of Abstracts for innovative exploratory research concepts in the technical domain of Chemistry and Materials Science. ARC Opportunities are designed to allow an individual researcher the opportunity and time to focus on nascent, paradigm-shifting ideas for national security applications.

    The FAARM ARC targets innovative techniques to form a wide range of synthetic fuels from varied readily available sources for DoD applications. The FAARM ARC Opportunity is soliciting ideas to explore the following question: Can energy-dense fuels be synthesized using an efficient, small-scale system?



    Special Notice: Fuel Access Anywhere, Regardless of Means (FAARM) Webinar

    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)  

    Webinar Date: 18 January 2024 from 1200 – 1600 (ET)

    Registration Deadline: 17 January 2024 by 1200 (ET)

    Registration Link:

    Description: DARPA DSO is sponsoring a live webinar to provide information and promote technical exchange with

    potential proposers on the objectives of the FAARM ARC opportunity. The webinar will include an overview of DSO, the ARC initiative, and a FAARM-specific presentation.

    All registrants who are not U.S. citizens must complete and submit either a DARPA Form 60 (U.S. Permanent Resident and Foreign National Visit Request – e.g., industry or academia) or an Official Visit Request (foreign government personnel, only) through their country’s Embassy based in Washington, DC, no later than 5:00 p.m. ET on January 12, 2024.



    Broad Agency Announcement: Enhanced SBOM for Optimized Software Sustainment (EBOSS)

    Office: Information Innovation Office (I2O)

    FAQ Submission Deadline: 18 January 2024

    Proposal Submission Deadline: 30 January 2024 by 1200 (ET)

    Description: The E-BOSS program aims to develop the capability to pre-empt or rapidly triage and remediate software vulnerabilities at infrastructure scale through revolutionary changes in software build chains and runtime systems that enhance and complement Software Bill of Material (SBOM) technologies. E-BOSS will enhance SBOM technologies with new types of metadata and cyber-reasoning algorithms to determine whether flawed or sensitive code is actually reachable and triggerable The E-BOSS program will develop Enhanced Software Bill of Material (eSBOM) metadata technology to enable rapid triage-and-remediation of vulnerabilities in software at scale.



    If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact the DARPA International Cooperation Office at           

    If you would like us to include Embassy offices managing education, research, and scientific cooperation (in addition to defense) and/or direct contacts with academia and industry on this distribution, please let us know.

    Warm Regards,

    DARPA International Cooperation

     January 02, 2024
  • CMISA posted an article
    DARPA Opportunities for Circulation see more

    Please find below (and attached) new DARPA opportunities for circulation with your national/defense S&T labs, academia, and industry.

    Special Notice: Microsystems Exploration

    Office: Microsystems Technology Office (MTO)

    Response Due Date: 28 September 2024 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: MTO seeks to develop high-risk, high-reward technologies that enable revolutionary advances in materials, devices, and microsystems and continue DARPA’s mission of creating and preventing strategic surprise. In order to capitalize rapidly on new opportunities, DARPA announces the Microsystems Exploration program which calls for faster responses with smaller, targeted investments. Microsystems Exploration awards will be made within 90 days of each Microsystems Exploration topic announcement.


    Special Notice: Grip Likelihood in Underwater Environments (GLUE) Webinar  

    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)

    Event Date: 26 October 2023 at 1000 (ET)

    Registration Deadline: 25 October 2023 by 1200 (ET)

    Registration Link:

    Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is sponsoring a live virtual webinar to provide information about the Grip Likelihood in Underwater Environments (GLUE) Advanced Research Concepts (ARC) Opportunity (DARPA-EA-23-01-04). The webinar will include information specific to the GLUE ARC Opportunity as well as an overview of DSO and the ARC initiative. Registrants will hear from experts in materials engineering and underwater operations and have the opportunity to ask questions. All registrants who are not U.S. citizens must complete and submit either a DARPA Form 60 (U.S. Permanent Resident and Foreign National Visit Request – e.g., industry or academia) or an Official Visit Request (foreign government personnel, only) through their country’s Embassy based in Washington, DC, no later than 5:00 p.m. ET on October 23, 2023.

    This GLUE ARC Opportunity is soliciting ideas to explore the following question: Can adhesives be designed and optimized for the aqueous environment using generalizable models that govern interfacial liquid evacuation?


    Broad Agency Announcement: Ultra-Wide BandGap Semiconductors (UWBGS)

    Office: Microsystems Technology Office (MTO)

    Abstract Due Date: 1 November 2023

    FAQ Submission Due Date: 4 December 2023

    Full Proposal Due Date: 15 December 2023

    Description: The UWBGS program will develop foundational, high-quality ultra-wide bandgap (UWBG) materials and electrical contacts necessary for realization of practical electronics that enable UWBG applications.


    Special Notice: Structural Evaluation through Non-contact Sensor Embedding (SENSE)
    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)

    Proposal Due Date: 21 November 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is issuing a Disruption Opportunity (DO), inviting submissions of innovative basic or applied research concepts in the technical domain of embedded structural health monitoring. This DO is issued under the Program Announcement for Disruptioneering, DARPA-PA-23-03

    The goal of the Structural Evaluation through Non-contact Sensor Embedding (SENSE) DO is to explore new approaches to embed sensors within metallic structural components during production. Recent advances in additive manufacturing (AM) for structural metals and electronics may enable hybrid approaches where sensing capability is integrated into components at the point of manufacture without sacrificing structural performance.


    Broad Agency Announcement: I2O Office-Wide Proposers Day
    Office: Information Innovation Office (I2O)
    Event Date: 2 November 2023 at 1100 (ET)
    Registration Deadline: 19 October 2023 by 1200 (ET)

    Registration Link:

    Description:  The mission of the Information Innovation Office (I2O) is to ensure enduring advantage for the United States and its allies across a broad range of information technologies through the advancement of core technical foundations and the design of novel application concepts based on these foundations. I2O’s core technical work ranges from artificial intelligence and data analysis to secure engineering and formal methods. Building on its core technical work, I2O programs also focus on overcoming technical challenges in bringing these technologies to the mission, addressing topics such as network security, cyber and multi-domain operations, human-system interaction, and assured autonomy.

    All registrants for the meeting who are not U.S. citizens must complete and submit one of the following: All U.S. permanent residents and foreign nationals must submit a DARPA Form 60, except foreign government personnel who must submit only an Official Visit Request completed by their respective embassy based in Washington, DC. All forms must be submitted no later than October 26, 2023 at 12:00 PM (ET).



    Broad Agency Announcement:  Defense Sciences Office Office-Wide

    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)

    Abstract Due Date: 26 September 2024 by 1600 (ET)

    FAQ Submission Due Date: 26 September 2024 by 1600 (ET)

    BAA Closing Date: 26 September 2024 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: The mission of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is to identify and create the next generation of scientific discovery to fuel innovation throughout the Agency and beyond. DSO serves as “DARPA’s DARPA” by developing and executing an aggressive and forward leaning portfolio that expands the art of the possible across a broad set of technical areas. DSO aims to create strategic surprise advantage for the DoD by pushing science towards its fundamental limits. We look to prevent technological surprise by understanding the path commercial research and development (R&D) is taking, anticipating that our adversaries will exploit available technology to develop new capabilities in the coming decades. In addition, the office looks for changes at the global scale and the impact such changes may have on our nation.


    Broad Agency Announcement: Intensity-Squeezed Photonic Integration for Revolutionary Detectors (INSPIRED)
    Office: Microsystems Technology Office (MTO)
    Abstract Due Date: 20 October 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    FAQ Submission Due Date: 29 November 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Proposal Due Date: 13 December 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: The DARPA Microsystems Technology Office is soliciting innovative research proposals to develop compact optical detectors with sensitivity below the quantum shot noise limit. The principal objective of the Intensity-Squeezed Photonic Integration for Revolutionary Detectors (INSPIRED) program is the development of optoelectronic detector modules that integrate squeezed-light measurement techniques into form factors comparable to commercial photodetector modules, thereby achieving sensitivity significantly beyond the quantum shot-noise limit. Such “squeezed-light detectors” will be transformative in advancing squeezed-light quantum measurement beyond laboratory environments as practical, general-purpose detector components that can be employed in diverse optical systems. The superior sensitivity of squeezed-light detectors is expected to provide decisive quantum advantages in wide-ranging application domains such as active imaging; atomic sensing; navigation; microscopy; and communications.



    If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact the DARPA International Cooperation Office at           

    Warm Regards,

    DARPA International Cooperation

     October 02, 2023
  • CMISA posted an article
    Potential Opportunities see more

    Please find below (and attached) new DARPA opportunities for circulation with your national/defense S&T labs, academia, and industry.

    Broad Agency Announcement: Program Announcement for Artificial Intelligence Exploration (AIE)

    Office: Information Innovation Office (I2O)

    Proposal Due Date: 20 August 2024

    Description: The mission of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is to make strategic, early investments in science and technology that will have long-term positive impact on our Nation’s security. In support of this mission, DARPA has pioneered groundbreaking research and development (R&D) in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for more than five decades. Today, DARPA continues to lead innovation in AI research through a large, diverse portfolio of fundamental and applied R&D AI programs aimed at shaping a future for AI technology where machines may serve as trusted and collaborative partners in solving problems of importance to national security. The AI Exploration (AIE) program is one key element of DARPA’s broader AI investment strategy that will help ensure the U.S. maintains a technological advantage in this critical area.




    Special Notice: Drag Reducing Architected Geometries (DRAG) Information Session  

    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)

    Event Date: 6 September 2023 at 0930 (ET)

    Registration Deadline: 30 August 2023 at 1600 (ET)

    Registration Link:

    Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is sponsoring an Information Session webcast to provide information to potential proposers on the objectives of the anticipated Drag Reducing Architected Geometries (DRAG) Disruption Opportunity (DO). The Information Session will be held via webcast on September 6, 2023 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Eastern Time). Advance registration is required for viewing the webcast.

    All registrants who are not U.S. citizens must complete and submit either a DARPA Form 60 (U.S. Permanent Resident and Foreign National Visit Request – e.g., industry or academia) or an Official Visit Request (foreign government personnel, only) through their country’s embassy based in Washington, DC, no later than 4:00 p.m. on September 1, 2023. Form 60 submission instructions are provided on the registration website and in the registration confirmation email. Contact your embassy staff for assistance in submitting the Official Visit Request.



    Special Notice: 10-Year Lunar Architecture (LunA-10) Capability Study

    Office: Strategic Technology Office (STO)

    TA1 Questions Due: 22 August 2023

    TA1 Abstracts Due: 6 September 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    TA1 White Paper and Technical Presentations Due: 25 September 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting innovative and revolutionary approaches to design integrated, multi-service commercial nodes for mass-efficient lunar infrastructure supported by analytical frameworks intended for future use by the United States and all nations with a declared commitment to the peaceful use of the Moon per the Artemis Accords.

    LunA-10 will help to enable the near-term maturation of lunar technologies and capabilities that will be necessary for future architecture objectives. The study will result in the design of system-level solutions that fuse multiple necessary lunar services and deliver a quantitatively defendable analytical framework for future lunar infrastructure that leverages technology overlap between potential services to the maximum extent possible. More than one framework is anticipated. Performers will create new benchmarks and metrics defining performance parameters for each integrated system solution, directly tied to an aggregate “critical mass” for a self-sustaining, monetizable, commercially owned-and-operated lunar infrastructure. Performers will ultimately create a System Concept Review (SCR) level design of the integrated systems, identify key enabling technologies or necessary innovation in quantitative terms, and analyze cost, logistical and technological challenges facing the aggregate frameworks thus composed. Input is sought from both lunar technology providers and lunar technology users. Solutions that are stand-alone or are not designed to integrate with other concepts or larger architectures are specifically excluded.


    Link: file://filer1/DIRO/Directors/International%20Cooperation/Team%20Documents/BAA%20Outreach/BAAs/2023/08.%20AUG/21%20AUGUST/DARPA-EA-23-02.pdf

    Research Opportunity: Grip Likelihood in Underwater Environments (GLUE)

    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)

    Abstract Due Date: 16 February 2024 by 1600 (ET)


    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is issuing an Advanced Research Concepts (ARC) Opportunity, inviting submissions of Abstracts for innovative exploratory research concepts in the technical domain of Materials Science and Engineering. This ARC Opportunity, methods to increase Grip Likelihood in Underwater Environments (GLUE), is issued under the master ARC Exploration Announcement (EA), DARPA-EA-23-01.

    The defense, research, and commercial sectors are deploying an increasing amount of human-developed technology underwater. When these technologies need repair or modification, bringing them to the surface is often prohibitively costly and/or infeasible. Improving the ability to service these items in the water column could dramatically increase the array of deployable technologies and how they are employed. Adhesive repair can often be performed faster and with less environmental disturbance than techniques such as welding and mechanical fastening. One key tool is lacking: underwater adhesives. Current adhesives for these applications cannot cure underwater because the interfacial liquid layer prevents the necessary contact between adhesive and substrate. Overcoming this challenge requires an understanding of the mechanisms that govern interfacial liquid evacuation at the microscale and nanoscale levels. Specifically, this necessitates applications of physicochemical principles that leverage the complex phenomena that take place at these interfaces. While advances in computation have enabled tremendous strides in fluid dynamics, little work has been done to model how interfacial liquid is expelled as surfaces come into contact within an aqueous medium. This ARC Opportunity is soliciting ideas to explore the following question: Can adhesives be designed and optimized for the aqueous environment using generalizable models that govern interfacial liquid evacuation?



    Special Notice: Charge Harmony

    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)

    Proposal Due Date: 29 September 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is issuing a Disruption Opportunity (DO), inviting submissions of innovative basic or applied research concepts in the technical domains of plasma generation and air-breathing electric propulsion.

    The Charge Harmony DO is requesting proposals for EP thrusters that are capable of creating self-neutralized plasma by using the air from the atmosphere as its ionization medium. Self Neutralized Air-Breathing Plasma (SNAP) is a novel concept for EP, which has been demonstrated in the lab and proposed as a mechanism for EP thrusters at characteristic temperatures, pressures, and densities for air at altitudes between 70 and 90 km.1, 2 Unlike the plasma of EP thrusters, SNAP only uses positive and negative ions derived from air molecules. This air-breathing EP system sheds the heavy weight typically associated with space EP systems, which carry their own ionization gas (e.g., a tank of helium-xenon). Additionally SNAP EP would not require an external electron neutralization source at the thruster exit plane, further reducing complexity and weight of an in-atmospheric EP platform. Optimization of T/D for an EP thruster that utilizes self-neutralized plasma composed entirely of positive and negative ions will require techniques for shaping the electromagnetic fields that guide the plasma from the inlet to the outlet of the thruster. Electromagnetic fields that keep the ions off of the walls of the thruster should reduce the drag on the thruster and potentially reduce the negative impacts of oxidation caused by oxygen molecules and ions interfacing with the inner walls of the thrust chamber.




    If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact the DARPA International Cooperation Office at           

    If you would like us to include Embassy offices managing education, research, and scientific cooperation (in addition to defense) and/or direct contacts with academia and industry on this distribution, please let us know.

    Warm Regards,

    DARPA International Cooperation

     August 21, 2023
  • CMISA posted an article
    For circulation with your national/defense S&T labs, academia, and industry. see more

    Please find below (and attached) new DARPA opportunities for circulation with your national/defense S&T labs, academia, and industry.

    Special Notice: Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) Workshop

    Office: Microsystems Technology Workshop (MTO)

    Event Date: 20 September 2023 at 0830 (ET)

    Registration Deadline: 13 September 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Registration Link: :

    Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) will host a Workshop to explore technology advances to meet dynamic thermal management requirements for increasingly demanding operational and environmental conditions. The workshop will be held on September 20, 2023 at the DARPA Conference Center (DCC), 675 North Randolph Street, Arlington, VA 22203 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET. The purpose of this meeting is to promote discussion on this topic, address new insights and challenges in this area, and provide an opportunity for different communities to share their capabilities and ideas for future teaming arrangements.



    Special Notice: Synthetic Quantum Nanostructures (SynQuaNon) Proposers Day

    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)

    Event Date: 18 August 2023 at 1000 (ET)

    Registration Deadline: 14 August 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Registration Link:

    Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is sponsoring a Proposers Day to provide information to potential proposers on the objectives of an anticipated Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the Synthetic Quantum Nanostructures (SynQuaNon) program.


    The goals of the SynQuaNon Proposers Day are to: (1) introduce the research community (industry, academia, and Government) to the SynQuaNon program vision and goals; (2) explain the mechanics of a DARPA program and the milestones of this particular effort; and (3) encourage and promote teaming arrangements among potential organizations that have the relevant expertise, facilities, and capabilities for executing a research and development program responsive to the SynQuaNon program goals



    Request for Information: Advanced Ice Sensing and Classification RFI

    Office: Tactical Technology Office (TTO)

    Response Due Date: 5 September 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: DARPA seeks a better understanding of concepts and technologies suitable for persistent real-time situational awareness of the Arctic sea ice surface. Specifically, DARPA is interested in ideas to help frame future ice sensors and sensing architectures. One potential idea may be the demonstration of real-time ice data collection to enable immediate landing locations for exploratory science aircraft and identification and prediction of ice fracturing events without embedding or emplacing physical sensors in or on the ice.



    Broad Agency Announcement: Rapid Eye Movement Restoration and Enhancement for Sleep-deprived Trauma-Adaptation (REM REST)
    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)

    Proposal Due Date: 15 September 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is issuing a Disruption Opportunity (DO), inviting submissions of innovative basic or applied research concepts in the technical domain of neuromodulation as a means of enhancing Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep mechanisms associated with stress adaption and traumatic memory consolidation. This DO is issued under the Program Announcement for Disruptioneering, DARPA-PA-23-03. All awards will be made in the form of an Other Transaction (OT) for prototype project.

    REM REST aims to identify neural mechanisms and demonstrate the ability to modulate REM sleep that improves stress adaptation and traumatic memory consolidation. Although demonstrations will not be required to show clinical efficacy, performer objectives should demonstrate the ability to improve REM sleep metrics associated with improved health or performance outcomes. Target neural mechanisms by which REM sleep supports healthy outcomes must be described and justified in proposals. The proposed targeted mechanisms of REM sleep must be objectively measurable, and proposers should provide a plan to evaluate the mechanistic relationship with stress adaptation, traumatic memory consolidation, and/or other related emotional health and psychological resilience outcomes.



    Special Notice: Assured Microbial Preservation in Harsh or Remote Areas (AMPHORA) Proposers Day
    Office: Biological Technologies Office (BTO)
    Event Date: 11 August 2023 at 0745 (ET)
    In-Person Registration Deadline: 4 August 2023 by 1200 (ET)

    Webinar Registration Deadline: 8 August by 1200 (ET)

    Registration Link:

    Description:  The Biological Technologies Office (BTO) of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is hosting a hybrid in-person and virtual Proposers Day for the potential proposer community in support of a planned Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the Assured Microbial Preservation in Harsh or Remote Areas (AMPHORA) Program. This event will take place at the DARPA Conference Center (DCC) in Arlington, VA, on August 11, 2023, from 7:45 AM to 2:05 PM. Optional sidebars to meet the Program Manager, Dr. Tiffany Prest, will be scheduled from 2:15 PM to 5:00 PM on that same day. If unable to attend in person, participation via webinar is an available alternative. Additional details on AMPHORA can be found in the attached special notice.

    All U.S. Permanent Residents and Foreign Nationals must submit a DARPA Form 60, except foreign government personnel who must submit only an Official Visit Request completed by their respective Embassy based in Washington, DC.

    All forms must be submitted no later than 12:00 PM on August 4, 2023. Form 60 submission instructions are provided on the registration website and in the registration confirmation email. Contact your Embassy staff for assistance in submitting the Official Visit Request. 




    Request for Information:  Establishing a Domestic Center for R&D and Manufacturing 3-D Heterogeneous Integration (3DHI) Microsystems RFI

    Office: Microsystems Technology Office (MTO)

    Response Due Date: 15 August 2023 by 1700 (ET)

    Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) is requesting information to guide the establishment of a domestic research and development (R&D) center for fabrication of three-dimensional heterogeneously integrated (3DHI) microsystems.



    Special Notice: Research Opportunity: Waste Upcycling for Defense (WUD)
    Office: Biological Technologies Office (BTO)
    Abstract Due Date: 15 August 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Full Proposal Due Date: 14 September 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: This announcement describes a fundamental research thrust, entitled “Waste Upcycling for Defense (WUD),” that will evaluate the technical feasibility to develop new methodologies to upcycle cellulose waste (scrap wood, cardboard, paper) into high-strength, large-scale densified wood products. This effort also seeks to reduce the energy & chemical requirements necessary to make densified wood through green chemical or biological methods. This opportunity is released under the current DARPA BTO Office Wide Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), HR001123S0045, entitled “Biological Technologies”.




    If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact the DARPA International Cooperation Office at           

    If you would like us to include Embassy offices managing education, research, and scientific cooperation (in addition to defense) and/or direct contacts with academia and industry on this distribution, please let us know.

    Warm Regards,

    DARPA International Cooperation

     August 07, 2023
  • CMISA posted an article
    DARPA opportunities for circulation see more

     Broad Agency Announcement: Anesthetics for Battlefield Care (ABC)
    Office: Biological Technologies Office (BTO)
    Abstract Due Date: 30 June 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Full Proposal Due Date: 21 August 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: DARPA is soliciting innovative proposals that will generate anesthetics that can be used safely in cases of traumatic injury without physiological collapse. The envisioned approach will represent a paradigm shift, moving away from the administration of anesthetics with intense monitoring by highly-trained personnel to operational settings where such capabilities do not exist or cannot be afforded. A successful proposal will pursue the discovery of unappreciated anesthetic mechanisms, achieve anesthesia leveraging novel drugs or drugs as components of cocktails, and produce a formulated end product that exhibits increased safety compared to state-of-the-art drugs.



    Updated Special Notice: Anesthetics for Battlefield Care (ABC) Proposer’s Day
    Office: Biological Technologies Office (BTO)
    Event Date: 16 June 2023

    Registration Deadline: 14 June 2023 by 1200 (ET)

    Registration Website: :

    Description: The Biological Technologies Office (BTO) of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is hosting a Proposers Day for the potential proposer community in support of the Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the ABC (Anesthetics for Battlefield Care) Program. The Proposers Day will be held on June 16, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM virtually. Advance registration is required. The deadline for registration has been extended to 14 June 2023.



    Request for Information: Compact Pulsed High-Energy Sources for Macro-Scale Object Inspection

    Office: Microsystems Technology Office (MTO)

    Proposal Due Date: 7 July 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: This Request for Information (RFI) from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) seeks to identify technology investment opportunities that may significantly expand next-generation inspection through advances in high-energy source technology and motion-based signal processing, which are expected to play a major role in future civilian and military systems.

    Please see attached amendment for updated response date.




    Updated Solicitation: Principles of Undersea Magnetohydrodynamic Pumps (PUMP)
    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)

    Abstract Due Date: 13 June 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Questions Due Date: 21 July 2023 by 1600 (ET)
    Full Proposal Submission Due Date: 31 July 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: The Defense Sciences Office (DSO) at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting innovative research proposals in the area of electrode material solutions for high performance magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) pumps. The Principles of Undersea Magnetohydrodynamic Pumps (PUMP) program will develop and demonstrate MHD pumps that match the efficiency, reduce the noise generation, and exceed the reliability of conventional impeller-based pumps. Additionally, the program will develop multi-physics modeling and simulation capabilities for use in design and analysis of magnetohydrodynamic pumps.

    The attached amendment contains the Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI Guide) to assist in proposal development.



    Updated Solicitation: High Operational Temperature Sensors (HOTS)
    Office: Microsystems Technology Office (MTO)
    Abstract Due Date: 22 June 2023 by 1400 (ET)

    Questions Due Date: 1 August 2023 by 1400 (ET)

    Full Proposal Due Date: 15 August 2023 by 1400 (ET)

    Description: The High Operational Temperature Sensors (HOTS) program will develop high-bandwidth, high-dynamic-range analog sensor microelectronics technologies that operate at high temperature. HOTS will demonstrate a pressure sensor module consisting of integrated transducer and signal-conditioning microelectronics.




    Request for Information: Rapid Part Qualification
    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)

    Responses Due: 14 July 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is requesting information on areas of research and new approaches to simultaneously decrease design margins and accelerate manufacturing qualification of structural hardware for DoD systems. This RFI and subsequent workshop seek to initiate a focused discussion on new ideas and breakthrough future directions to reimagine and accelerate hardware qualification and reduce design margins for critical metallic structural components. DARPA believes that recent advances in high-fidelity data collection during manufacturing will fundamentally change the way qualification and engineering design are conducted. If fully successful, the future state will be defined by two new realities: (1) on-the-fly qualification of critical structural hardware conducted during manufacturing in a way that is decoupled from upstream details (i.e., feedstock characterization, machine specifics, etc.) and that is not reliant on extensive post-process inspection and (2) systems designed and operated with minimal margin (e.g., is 1.01X possible?) enabled by manufacturing-derived information to ensure part performance and service life. New approaches to structural health monitoring to track the behavior of individual parts in service is also of interest as a means to bolster the lean design and aggressive manufacturing stance described here.




    Updated Solicitation: Defense Sciences Office Office-wide

    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)
    Executive Summary Due Date: 31 August 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Abstract Due Date: 31 August 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Questions Due Date: 17 August 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Full Proposal Due Date: 31 August 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: The mission of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is to identify and create the next generation of scientific discovery to fuel innovation throughout the Agency and beyond. DSO serves as “DARPA’s DARPA” by developing and executing an aggressive and forward leaning portfolio that expands the art of the possible across a broad set of technical areas. DSO aims to create strategic surprise advantage for the DoD by pushing science towards its fundamental limits. We look to prevent technological surprise by understanding the path commercial R&D is taking, anticipating that our adversaries will exploit what’s available to develop new capabilities in the coming decades. In addition, the office looks for changes at the global scale and the impact they may have on our nation. In support of this mission, the DSO Office-wide BAA invites proposers to submit innovative basic or applied research concepts or studies and analysis proposals that address one or more of the following technical thrust areas: (1) Novel Materials & Structures, (2) Sensing & Measurement, (3) Computation & Processing, (4) Enabling Operations, (5) Collective Intelligence, and (6) Global Change. Each of these thrust areas is described below and includes a list of example research topics that highlight several (but not all) potential areas of interest. Proposals must investigate innovative approaches that enable revolutionary advances. DSO is explicitly not interested in approaches or technologies that primarily result in evolutionary improvements to the existing state of practice.



  • CMISA posted an article
    New DARPA opportunities for circulation see more

    Broad Agency Announcement: Macaroni
    Office: Microsystems Technology Office (MTO)
    Abstract Due Date: 10 July 2023

    Questions Due: 30 August 2023

    Proposal Due Date: 13 September 2023

    Description: The Microsystems Technology Office at DARPA seeks innovative proposals in the areas of electrically small receivers and transmitters that exceed the current state of the art (SoA). This solicitation includes a Collateral SECRET classified addendum that contains key technical details relevant to the Macaroni goals. Proposed research should investigate innovative approaches that enable revolutionary advances in science, devices, or systems. Specifically excluded is research that primarily results in evolutionary improvements to the existing state of practice.




    Program Solicitation: Otter
    Office: Tactical Technology Office (TTO)
    Abstract Due Date: 22 June 2023 by 1700 (ET)

    Questions Due: 9 June 2023 by 1200 (ET)

    Proposal Due Date: 21 August 2023 by 1700 (ET)

    Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting innovative proposals in the following technical domain: spacecraft and electric propulsion technologies enabling extended satellite operations in Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO). Specifically excluded is research that primarily results in evolutionary improvements to the existing state of practice

    See section 5.8. Non-U.S. organizations and/or individuals may participate to the extent that such participants comply with any necessary nondisclosure agreements, security regulations, export control laws, and other governing statutes applicable under the circumstances.



    Updated Pre-solicitation: Critical Mineral Assessments with AI Support (CriticalMAAS)

    Office: Information Innovation Office (I2O)

    Proposal Due Date: 6 June 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is issuing an Artificial Intelligence Exploration (AIE) Opportunity, inviting submissions of innovative basic or applied research concepts in the technical domain of AI/automation to support Critical Mineral Assessments (CMAs). This AIE Opportunity is issued under the Program Announcement for AIE, DARPA-PA-22-02. All awards will be made in the form of an Other Transaction (OT) for prototype project. The total award value for the combined Phase 1 base (Feasibility Study) and Phase 2 option (Proof of Concept) is limited to $1,000,000. This total award value includes Government funding and performer cost share, if required or if proposed.

    To view the original DARPA Program Announcement for the AIE Opportunity visit under solicitation number DARPA-PA-22-02:



    Advanced Research Concept: Collaborative Knowledge Curation (CKC)
    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)
    Response Due Date: 30 November 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is issuing an Advanced Research Concept (ARC) Opportunity, inviting submissions of Abstracts for innovative exploratory research concepts in the technical domain of knowledge curation. This ARC Opportunity is issued under the umbrella ARC Exploration Announcement (EA), DARPA-EA-23-01.



    Broad Agency Announcement: Principles of Undersea Magnetohydrodynamic Pumps (PUMP)
    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)

    Abstract Due Date: 13 June 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Questions Due Date: 21 July 2023 by 1600 (ET)
    Full Proposal Submission Due Date: 31 July 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: The Defense Sciences Office (DSO) at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting innovative research proposals in the area of electrode material solutions for high performance magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) pumps. The Principles of Undersea Magnetohydrodynamic Pumps (PUMP) program will develop and demonstrate MHD pumps that match the efficiency, reduce the noise generation, and exceed the reliability of conventional impeller-based pumps. Additionally, the program will develop multi-physics modeling and simulation capabilities for use in design and analysis of magnetohydrodynamic pumps.



    Request for Information: Compact Pulsed High-Energy Sources for Macro-Scale Object Inspection
    Office: Microsystems Technology Office (MTO)
    Response Due Date: 15 June 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: This Request for Information (RFI) from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) seeks to identify technology investment opportunities that may significantly expand next-generation inspection through advances in high-energy source technology and motion-based signal processing, which are expected to play a major role in future civilian and military systems.




    Request for Information: Advances in Magnetic Navigation
    Office: Microsystems Technology Office (MTO)

    Responses Due: 6 July 2023 by 1700 (ET)

    Description: This Request for Information (RFI) from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) seeks information on new approaches and technologies for magnetic navigation in GPS-denied scenarios and environments, to address various application conditions. The goal of this RFI is to gain a better understanding of the state of the art (SOA) and the emerging technologies available to meet magnetic navigation requirements for high-noise operational and environmental conditions.




    Request for Information: Measuring, Modeling, and Manipulating the Turbulent Boundary Layer

    Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)
    Response Date: 27 June 2023 by 1600 (ET)

    Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is requesting information regarding (1) ways to measure, visualize, and model the high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer and (2) information on development of technologies to reduce turbulent pressure fluctuations and their influence on the underlying structure. 




    Serena Jones

    DARPA International Cooperation

    SETA/Contractor Support

    Booz | Allen | Hamilton

    O: 571-218-4813

    C: 571-498-3039