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INFO: 02 OCT DARPA Opportunities

INFO: 02 OCT DARPA Opportunities

Please find below (and attached) new DARPA opportunities for circulation with your national/defense S&T labs, academia, and industry.

Special Notice: Microsystems Exploration

Office: Microsystems Technology Office (MTO)

Response Due Date: 28 September 2024 by 1600 (ET)

Description: MTO seeks to develop high-risk, high-reward technologies that enable revolutionary advances in materials, devices, and microsystems and continue DARPA’s mission of creating and preventing strategic surprise. In order to capitalize rapidly on new opportunities, DARPA announces the Microsystems Exploration program which calls for faster responses with smaller, targeted investments. Microsystems Exploration awards will be made within 90 days of each Microsystems Exploration topic announcement.


Special Notice: Grip Likelihood in Underwater Environments (GLUE) Webinar  

Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)

Event Date: 26 October 2023 at 1000 (ET)

Registration Deadline: 25 October 2023 by 1200 (ET)

Registration Link:

Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is sponsoring a live virtual webinar to provide information about the Grip Likelihood in Underwater Environments (GLUE) Advanced Research Concepts (ARC) Opportunity (DARPA-EA-23-01-04). The webinar will include information specific to the GLUE ARC Opportunity as well as an overview of DSO and the ARC initiative. Registrants will hear from experts in materials engineering and underwater operations and have the opportunity to ask questions. All registrants who are not U.S. citizens must complete and submit either a DARPA Form 60 (U.S. Permanent Resident and Foreign National Visit Request – e.g., industry or academia) or an Official Visit Request (foreign government personnel, only) through their country’s Embassy based in Washington, DC, no later than 5:00 p.m. ET on October 23, 2023.

This GLUE ARC Opportunity is soliciting ideas to explore the following question: Can adhesives be designed and optimized for the aqueous environment using generalizable models that govern interfacial liquid evacuation?


Broad Agency Announcement: Ultra-Wide BandGap Semiconductors (UWBGS)

Office: Microsystems Technology Office (MTO)

Abstract Due Date: 1 November 2023

FAQ Submission Due Date: 4 December 2023

Full Proposal Due Date: 15 December 2023

Description: The UWBGS program will develop foundational, high-quality ultra-wide bandgap (UWBG) materials and electrical contacts necessary for realization of practical electronics that enable UWBG applications.


Special Notice: Structural Evaluation through Non-contact Sensor Embedding (SENSE)
Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)

Proposal Due Date: 21 November 2023 by 1600 (ET)

Description: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is issuing a Disruption Opportunity (DO), inviting submissions of innovative basic or applied research concepts in the technical domain of embedded structural health monitoring. This DO is issued under the Program Announcement for Disruptioneering, DARPA-PA-23-03

The goal of the Structural Evaluation through Non-contact Sensor Embedding (SENSE) DO is to explore new approaches to embed sensors within metallic structural components during production. Recent advances in additive manufacturing (AM) for structural metals and electronics may enable hybrid approaches where sensing capability is integrated into components at the point of manufacture without sacrificing structural performance.


Broad Agency Announcement: I2O Office-Wide Proposers Day
Office: Information Innovation Office (I2O)
Event Date: 2 November 2023 at 1100 (ET)
Registration Deadline: 19 October 2023 by 1200 (ET)

Registration Link:

Description:  The mission of the Information Innovation Office (I2O) is to ensure enduring advantage for the United States and its allies across a broad range of information technologies through the advancement of core technical foundations and the design of novel application concepts based on these foundations. I2O’s core technical work ranges from artificial intelligence and data analysis to secure engineering and formal methods. Building on its core technical work, I2O programs also focus on overcoming technical challenges in bringing these technologies to the mission, addressing topics such as network security, cyber and multi-domain operations, human-system interaction, and assured autonomy.

All registrants for the meeting who are not U.S. citizens must complete and submit one of the following: All U.S. permanent residents and foreign nationals must submit a DARPA Form 60, except foreign government personnel who must submit only an Official Visit Request completed by their respective embassy based in Washington, DC. All forms must be submitted no later than October 26, 2023 at 12:00 PM (ET).



Broad Agency Announcement:  Defense Sciences Office Office-Wide

Office: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)

Abstract Due Date: 26 September 2024 by 1600 (ET)

FAQ Submission Due Date: 26 September 2024 by 1600 (ET)

BAA Closing Date: 26 September 2024 by 1600 (ET)

Description: The mission of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is to identify and create the next generation of scientific discovery to fuel innovation throughout the Agency and beyond. DSO serves as “DARPA’s DARPA” by developing and executing an aggressive and forward leaning portfolio that expands the art of the possible across a broad set of technical areas. DSO aims to create strategic surprise advantage for the DoD by pushing science towards its fundamental limits. We look to prevent technological surprise by understanding the path commercial research and development (R&D) is taking, anticipating that our adversaries will exploit available technology to develop new capabilities in the coming decades. In addition, the office looks for changes at the global scale and the impact such changes may have on our nation.


Broad Agency Announcement: Intensity-Squeezed Photonic Integration for Revolutionary Detectors (INSPIRED)
Office: Microsystems Technology Office (MTO)
Abstract Due Date: 20 October 2023 by 1600 (ET)

FAQ Submission Due Date: 29 November 2023 by 1600 (ET)

Proposal Due Date: 13 December 2023 by 1600 (ET)

Description: The DARPA Microsystems Technology Office is soliciting innovative research proposals to develop compact optical detectors with sensitivity below the quantum shot noise limit. The principal objective of the Intensity-Squeezed Photonic Integration for Revolutionary Detectors (INSPIRED) program is the development of optoelectronic detector modules that integrate squeezed-light measurement techniques into form factors comparable to commercial photodetector modules, thereby achieving sensitivity significantly beyond the quantum shot-noise limit. Such “squeezed-light detectors” will be transformative in advancing squeezed-light quantum measurement beyond laboratory environments as practical, general-purpose detector components that can be employed in diverse optical systems. The superior sensitivity of squeezed-light detectors is expected to provide decisive quantum advantages in wide-ranging application domains such as active imaging; atomic sensing; navigation; microscopy; and communications.



If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact the DARPA International Cooperation Office at           

Warm Regards,

DARPA International Cooperation

 October 02, 2023