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  • CMISA posted an article
    Ocean Group has committed to a fuel supply agreement with Nation Clean Energy Inc see more

    This agreement provides for commitments that will prioritize economic and social benefits for Musqueam, and contracting opportunities for Group Ocean.

    This includes capacity development initiatives leading to career opportunities for Musqueam members both on the water, and ashore.

    The first such initiative involved the training of five Musqueam members as Bridgewatchpersons/ Deckhands, in collaboration with the Marine Campus of the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT).

    The successful participants are now undertaking an onboard internship, and eventual placement with Group Ocean.

    In terms of other inclusive strategies, Group Ocean has committed to a fuel supply agreement with Nation Clean Energy Inc., another Musqueam partner. This includes the supply of low carbon renewable fuel products.

    Group Ocean hope to establish further lasting, meaningful, and successful business relationships with other Coastal First Nations, using similar collaborative Framework Agreements, as they are doing with Musqueam.

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  • CMISA posted an article
    The Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), to be held until October 31, 2024 see more

    Le français suit

    We would like to inform you that the Government of Canada is launching public consultations regarding the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), to be held until October 31, 2024. This consultation seeks views about Canadian interests and experiences on key areas of CUSMA that are working well and potential areas for improvement as we look to engage with the United States and Mexico regarding the first joint review of the Agreement in 2026. Submissions received from these consultations will help to inform Canada’s preparations for the first joint review of CUSMA in 2026 and priorities for work being undertaken in 2025, including Canada’s chairing of the fifth CUSMA Free Trade Commission meeting.

    For more information about the CUSMA 2026 joint review and on how you can participate in these consultations, we invite you to visit the CUSMA consultations webpage on Global Affairs Canada’s website and the recent notice issued in the Canada Gazette.


    We look forward to hearing from you on this important issue.

    Thank you,



    Nous aimerions vous informer que le gouvernement du Canada lance des consultations publiques sur l'Accord Canada-États-Unis-Mexique (ACEUM), qui se tiendront jusqu’au 31 octobre 2024. Cette consultation vise à recueillir des points de vue sur les intérêts et les expériences des Canadiens concernant les principaux aspects de l'ACUSM qui fonctionnent bien et les aspects susceptibles d'être améliorés, alors que nous envisageons de nous engager avec les États-Unis et le Mexique dans le premier examen conjoint de l'Accord en 2026.Les soumissions reçues dans le cadre de ces consultations contribueront aux préparatifs en vue du premier examen conjoint de l’ACEUM en 2026 ainsi qu’à façonner les priorités concernant le travail entrepris en 2025, y compris dans le contexte où le Canada présidera la cinquième réunion de la Commission du libre-échange de l’ACEUM. 

    Pour plus d'informations sur l'examen conjoint CUSMA 2026 et sur la façon dont vous pouvez participer à ces consultations, nous vous invitons à consulter la page Web des consultations CUSMA sur le site d'Affaires mondiales Canada et le récent avis publié dans la Gazette du Canada.

     August 21, 2024